Boldness by Jesus

Pastor Brad Graves

Written by Brad Graves, Senior Pastor

Boldness by Jesus

“When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and knew that they had been with Jesus.”-Acts 4:13 (CSB)

Peter and John had something going for them. This was something that higher levels of education could not give them. And this was something that even robust training could do for them.

That something was, “they spent time with Jesus.”

Because of their time with Jesus:

  • They were observed by others, people took notice
  • They had extraordinary boldness, they were not afraid
  • Their deficiencies became their testimony, their “un” became their “extra” because “…when they were weak He was strong.’’ (1 Cor. 12:10)

My prayer is that my greatest strength does not come from my education and training, even though I have worked hard for them. 

My prayer is that my greatest strength comes from my time with Jesus. I am praying that others notice that my boldness, confidence, and peace comes not from something I have obtained but from what Christ has done in me. 

And I am praying that I see myself as complete, because in every area I am not, He is. In every area I may be lacking His grace fills the gap. In everything…His grace makes up the difference. 

Ergun Caner said recently “You will never reach anyone for the Gospel by showing them your degrees or your trophies. You will reach them by showing them your scars.”

How True.

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Brad Graves is the Senior Pastor at Ada First Baptist Church.

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