Cleansing the Temple

During this week, our church reads the Bible cover to cover aloud for a time of renewal for 2025.

Cleansing the Temple - 2025

We invite you to join us for our Ninth Annual Cleansing the Temple, a cherished event in our church family. Held in the Worship Center, participants sign up for one-hour time slots to reflect, repent, pray, and read assigned chapters of Scripture. This is a meaningful time of spiritual renewal and preparation as we cleanse our hearts and draw closer to God.

Sign up for a 1 hour time slot over the week of January 18-25 (or more than one if you choose). You can sign up to participate as an individual or you may sign up with friends or family to spend that hour together. Lives are changed every year, and we cannot wait to see what God does through this week in 2025!!!

Sign up below and be part of this special tradition! If you have any questions, please call the church office at 580-332-4121.